Sunday, January 26, 2020

Team "Zebra"

Challenge #2 Complete!

The theme for week two of Project Quilting is Team Colors. There was a lot of speculation that there would be many projects made based on "sportsball". I am amused by this term as I do have plenty of inspiration to draw from with professional teams I follow to sports teams my children have played for, but I chose to go a different route for my team color theme. 

The team colors I created for are a combination of Ehler's Danlos Syndrome (EDS - zebra stripes), chronic migraine (purple and red), and scoliosis (green). All these colors and more are important in my life, but the zebra stripes takes precedence due the EDS being the leading health factor I need to monitor. It affects every aspect of my life because it is a genetic condition that affects various areas of connective tissues in my body. Every case of EDS is unique, and does not simply amount to stretchy skin - as a google search would lead one to believe. In fact, most medical professionals are not even properly trained to recognize, let alone care for, EDS patients. We are constantly trying to bring awareness to what our lives truly look like and still live our best life. 

Back to the project, after choosing my colors and fabrics, I drew up the plan for a mugrug and decided on applique for this project. The added bonus - I was able to complete two mugrugs. Yay!

Adding the fusible for piecing to make the zebra stripes was easy. I stitched it down with a narrow zigzag stitch.

The other colors were used for binding. A fun quilty friend sent me the fabric used for the backing. Just perfect for this project, don't you think?

Each mugrug finishes at 6 1/2" × 8 1/2". They were created in Arlington, WI. I call the mugrugs "Team Zebra".

Keep quilting!


  1. They are super graphic and what a perfect backing for your mug rugs!

    1. Thank you! I was super giddy when Kim sent me what she had left of that fabric.

  2. These are great. Love all that you represent. You are a fighter and I have huge respect for you! Bravo!

    1. Thank you, Kim!! I watch what many of the quilters around me accomplish. Have to remind myself of my personal boundaries and set realistic goals. This year is about me, also. I set that goal last year after changing jobs. Self care is so important.
