
Friday, January 15, 2021

A Pixelated Wonder - 2020 Color Challenge Finish

The 2020 Color Challenge came to a wrap in the most amazing way. Jen from Patterns by Jen designed "Pixelated" for setting our blocks.  

Let's start by taking a look at my twelve blocks from 2020.

I chose to make all my blocks in batiks. Alas, I did not choose to make the pixelated sashing with the same material. Creating those pixels were a tad trying. My stash contained wonderful Kona solids that just happened to coordinate well with the blocks. Those solids played so nicely with other fabrics in the past that I just couldn't resist using them.

The strip piecing was easy enough. Truth be told, I have never used my seam ripper more on any project before this one beyond this point.

The first time I pulled jack out was after I got close to half the sashing blocks put together in groups of four. On a whim, I decided to lay some of the sashing out with a few of the main blocks. Something didn't look quite right, so I referenced the pattern. I'm a stickler with following patterns, and upon noticing the incorrect direction of color flow in the pixelated blocks, jack went to work. 

(See that ironing surface in the background? It is truly a poor man's ironing surface that is soon to go the way of the dodo.)

Yep. I completely tore apart a few of those sashing blocks down to their base strips. Then I had the epiphany to turn those little blocks on their sides. Genius! I still had some to assemble, thinking this would be the perfect plan for assembling the columns of sashing and still look correct. Oh, how wrong that thinking was, so once again I had a date with jack. Turning them on their sides avoided the issue of stretch in the fabric (a bias issue) for the rows, however, left the direction of the colors still going the wrong way in the columns. There was twisting and turning of the sashing blocks, breaking out jack to tear those blocks apart as needed, and then putting it all back together again to make it play nicely - fabric bias, color direction, and all. Then it was on to putting it all together - finally!


Yay! The top was finished for the end of the year. Quilting this fun creation will happen over the next month as I take my time giving each color block the attention it deserves. I'm going to try my hand at some free motion quilting on my machine with this quilt as it and other personal projects become the focus for the new year. 

Please head over to see how other host bloggers finished their quilt tops or quilts:

Jen Shaffer of Patterns by Jen
Joanne Hubbard of Everyone Deserves a Quilt
Roseanne Nelson of Home Sewn By Us
Sarah Vanderburgh of Sew Joy Creations
Wendy Tuma of Pieceful Thoughts

Now that you've read all about my adventures with this top and checked out the other bloggers creations, click below where you can join a special year end Quilt Show link-up Jen has created for everyone to share their completed 2020 Monthly Challenge tops and quilts.

As always, keep quilting.


PS - While you're over at Jen's blog, check out the January block for the 2021 Monthly Color Challenge PLUS her latest pattern release - Winter Trees. I will be joining that quilty fun just as soon as possible, as well as sharing a few projects of my own. Stay tuned!